3/2012 High ranking Military Commander rips Congress a new pie hole () arse congress keeps are the bench warmers Our military and many other countries are mad at the powers who for our personnel casualties personal Stand up against the evil power in our government systems. Its getting worse and worse. From now on is humans are to win we need to refer to the NWO elites as the "No Word Order" The only world order that is humanly correct should really take place by the Christ Lord Jesus when he returns with New Jerusalem as he has promised us. Many dont know, but half of America are direct descendants of the Chosen people the Israelite's. illusions and perform desensitizing methods to deter us from the solar activities. Love you lore Jesus the last alignment f Elenin, the Earth, and the Moon will be no 12/21/12, and please pay attention to the night sky on June 2012. I will tell you why later! Do not comment saying this is anything else than Elenin Nibiru and its surrounding so! lar system yes Nibiru has a Sun(if you will). Red Kachina (Not Mars!!!) and the Blue Kachina (Not Venus!!!) I have proof see My friends we are all connected at the human and solar level in the molecular and nuclear manner and we are the medium between the realms(dimensions between even numbered senses). There is nothing you can do about it a lot more than complicated than our 11 % brain capacity can imagine even when were angels we will have to learn this from our LORD JESUS CHRIST all over again how ...